
The following links are to web sites we think you may find interesting. Please click on a link to visit a web site.

Please note that while we try our best to ensure that the web sites we link to contain no offensive content, we don't have any direct control over said content. As such, we can not accept any responsibility for any offence that may be taken while wi ewing any of the listed web sites!

Driving Instructors Association

The Driving Instructors Association was founded in 1978 to represent the interests of the professional driving instructor. It is regularly consulted by all the relevant Government bodies, has representation in Parliament, and enjoys influence in Europe and throughout the world.
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Driving Standards Vehicle Agency

The Driving Standards Vehicle Agency (DSVA) is one of the executive agencies that forms the Motoring and Freight Services group, within the Department for Transport (DfT).
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learn to drive with howells school of motoring